小学英语短剧简单剧本 小学英语短剧剧本

发布时间:2020-01-16 点击:

  主持(男女):Good morning /afternoon , my friends.

  主持(男):What a nice day! We all get together ,boys , girls, teachers and our family menbers.

  主持(女):We like our families , our school , our hometown . And we love our motherland China .

  主持(男):Do you know Olympic Games ? 2008 , Bejing , Olympic Games.

  主持(男女):One World One Dream .

  主持(男):Today, we are having an interesting sports meeting.

  主持(女):Players , please . Let’s welcome them .

  主持(男):This is Red Apple Team.

  主持(女):This is Yellow Orange Team.

  R1: I’m Mei Li . I’m Chinese.

  Y1: I’m Jane Brow. I’m from the USA.

  R2: I’m Zhou Mu . I’m Chinese.

  Y2: I’m Tony White . I’m from the UK.

  R3: I’m Hu Zhou . I’m Chinese.

  Y3: I’m John Black . I’m from the Australia.

  R4: I’m Lu Qian . I’m Chinese.

  Y4: I’m Liu Zhizi . I’m from the Japan.

  R5: I’m Gu Lu .I’m Chinese.

  Y5: I’m Rose Green. I’m from the France.

  主持(男女):Welcome you again.

  主持(男):What do you want to say before the games, Red Apple Team?

  R: Red , red, you are the best!

  主持(女):What do you want to say before the games, Yellow Orange Team?

  Y: Yellow, yellow, you are the king!

  主持(男):Wow, so excited!

  主持(女):Now, the judgements of this interesting sports meeting are coming.

  主持(男):Welcome you , judgements .Let’s begin?

  Judgement: OK.

  R&Y: Red , red, you are the best!

  Yellow, yellow, you are the king!

  Judgement: First time, put the apple on your head.Then run to the desk touch it and run back .Are you ready?

  R&Y: Yes.

  Judgement: One , two , begin.

  R&Y: Come on! Come on! Come on!

  Red , red, you are the best!

  Yellow, yellow, you are the king!

  Come on! Come on! Come on!

  Red , red, you are the best!

  Yellow, yellow, you are the king!

  Judgement: The secend time , please lie on the floor and lift your left foot , then put the banana on your foot and up and down three times. Are you ready?

  R&Y: Yes.

  Judgement: One , two , begin.

  R&Y: Come on! Come on! Come on!

  Red , red, you are the best!

  Yellow, yellow, you are the king!

  Come on! Come on! Come on!

  Red , red, you are the best!

  Yellow, yellow, you are the king!

  Judgement: The third time, here are two eggs . Please put the egg on your finger , walk to the desk and around it then go back. Are you ready?

  R&Y: Yes.

  Judgement: One , two , begin.

  R&Y: Come on! Come on! Come on!

  Red , red, you are the best!

  Yellow, yellow, you are the king!

  Come on! Come on! Come on!

  Red , red, you are the best!

  Yellow, yellow, you are the king!

  Judgement: Two to one , Red Apple Team wins!

  Sing《We are ready》together.

小学英语短剧简单剧本 小学英语短剧剧本


